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A Spindle Splintered

I admit it: I'm way behind on updating my bookshelf. It's not like I haven't read anything since May--or since last year--it's that I've been reading, and writing, and critiquing, and sending out manuscripts, and completely neglecting my internet presence. My dog died, see, and I don't want to update my bio.

Anyway, on that cheerful note, A SPINDLE SPLINTERED! I listened to this on audiobook, and it was a great companion to home workouts, cleaning, cooking. It's a fun, clever fairy-tale retelling with a fresh voice and what felt to me like an authentic point of view on not just Being Sick but on how it feels to be seen as sick, and on what roles are available in stories to those of us who are ill. It's lighthearted, even trendy at times, but that makes it able to lift this very heavy subject matter in a way that I haven't seen executed well very often. Think Robin McKinley's THE HERO AND THE CROWN meets, like, the CW'S TEEN WOLF. Or something. You know, 'chronically ill heroic protagonist' meets 'poppy take on a fantasy staple.' It's a fun read!


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